July 9, 2005

Summer greetings, fellow quilters! I think no matter where we are, there is something about the weather to complain about--too hot, too dry, too wet...the list goes on. I'm all for cool, breezy days under 70 degrees, with a bit of rain thrown in to keep the flowers blooming. I think that happens here once in a blue moon, but I am ever hopeful!


In June I taught for the first time at the Vermont Quilt Festival--what a wonderful time! The competition quilts were spectacular, and the special antique quilt exhibits were breathtaking. The auction of small quilts to benefit the Vermont Make A Wish Foundation and Vermont ABC Quilts raised $3000!


Fon's and Porter's Love of Quilting Magazine is now featuring "Noel Sampler", the quilt Anita and I made for our first Wiawaka retreat. The first installment is in the July/August issue (now available) and the series will continue in both the September/October and November/December issues. The photography is wonderful, showing the quilt to best advantage. Be sure to take a look!


A pair of Phoebes has been nesting near my side door--they are now on their second nesting. The first yielded one offspring--the other two eggs were found broken on the ground. The newest batch has either two or three hatchlings--they are so new that they don't come much above the nest. But once they get started, they will be out of the nest in no time! The parents keep a watchful eye on everything and warn the kids to keep quiet! Below are pictures of one of the parents and of the nest--how many babies do you see?


July 10 update: There are at least three babies! New pics soon--they are growing rapidly now!


Last time I had a picture of Tatty after she had emptied my shredded paper. This time I caught Callie up a tree--her most favorite place to create havoc. She runs straight up the trees, sometimes as high as 20 feet. Then she digs the branches like crazy, making the birds squawk, and then runs back down. In this picture she is about 10 feet from the ground, walking toward the narrow, swaying end of the branch. She has absolutely no fear, and she is so tiny that she should be afraid of lots of things.


The last picture is of a cardinal in a tree near my house. He was singing merrily away and I happened to have my camera at hand. I also saw a male Baltimore Oriole today, but he was gone before I got my camera.


Hard to believe summer is almost half over--where does the time go? I hope you are busy quilting in the shade or the air conditioning. Or just reading and dreaming about all the quilts you will make once the weather turns cooler. Happy quilting!